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wall panelfor living room

WPC wall panels are mainly made of bamboo wood fiber and nearly 20 other ingredients by high temperature and high pressure extrusion at one time, and the surface adopts PVC laminating process; The surface can make stone grain, cloth grain, wood grain and other effects, showing modern, simple, American and other styles; You can mix and match your own. At the same time, it is convenient to install, easy to clean, and can be directly rinsed with water.
  • Description

Wall panels Introduction:
WPC wall panels are mainly made of bamboo wood fiber and nearly 20 other ingredients by high temperature and high pressure extrusion at one time, and the surface adopts PVC laminating process; The surface can make stone grain, cloth grain, wood grain and other effects, showing modern, simple, American and other styles; You can mix and match your own. At the same time, it is convenient to install, easy to clean, and can be directly rinsed with water.



Characteristics of Wall panels

Green and environmentally friendly
Medical grade resin raw material, integrated in one molding, ENF grade ring
Maintain standards and ensure no release of toxic and harmful gases;

Waterproof and moisture-proof
Waterproof and moisture-proof, insect and moth resistant, mold resistant, corrosion-resistant, and fearless of moisture,Long service life, especially suitable for southern and coastal areas;

Excellent structure
A reasonable cavity structure ensures that the product does not deform or crack, and has good sound insulation and thermal insulation effects;

Sound insulation and noise reduction
When sound propagates across media, it utilizes high-density raw materials and their special colloidal structures to reduce gripping frequency and generate noise;

Durable and sturdy
Utilize high-tech technology to construct unique bridge and tunnel mechanical structures. Capable of dispersing external forces to achieve anti deformation effect;



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