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Established in 1999;
In 2003, more than 200 dealers were established nationwide;
In 2004, we developed wood-plastic doors and became one of the earliest manufacturers of wood-plastic doors in China;
In 2006, it produced municipal engineering pipelines and became the largest manufacturer of municipal engineering pipelines in Hunan Province;
In 2007, won the honorary title of Hunan Small Giant Enterprise;
In 2007, the company developed the first generation of resin door products used in the hospital market;
In 2009, wood-plastic door products entered the medical care system in bulk;
In 2010, it won the title of Changsha Science and Technology Demonstration Enterprise;
In 2013, "Aerospace Kangda" was named China famous trademark;
In 2014, the provincial enterprise technology center was established;
In 2016, won the title of Hunan New Material Enterprise;
In 2019, participated in the drafting of China's medical door industry standards and specifications;
In 2020, participate in the preparation of China foam sheet industry standards;
In 2020, the company was invited to participate in the construction of the Winter Olympic Games mobilization recuperation Center project and won the special contribution award;
In 2022, the company's self-built new plant covering 120,000 square meters will be put into use.


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