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Hunan Aerospace Kangda has a history of more than 20 years and is one of the earliest enterprises producing wood-plastic related products in China. Aerospace Kanda was previously mainly responsible for supplying plastic products to the aerospace industry. Now, Aerospace Kongda will shift its focus to commercial and civilian. Aerospace Kangda has been adhering to the spirit of astronauts' persistence and research, and constantly provides users with high-quality and cost-effective products.

So far, Aerospace Kangda has served more than 100 residential projects such as China Vanke Real Estate and Country Garden Real Estate, and medical door products have served more than 800 medical centers, and Aerospace Kangda is the supplier of indoor doors and wall panels for athletes' health centers for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Schoolgate products serve more than 100 universities. Product repair rate is less than 1%.

Aerospace Kangda wood plastic door products have been exported to the United States, Singapore, Southeast Asian countries and regions.




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