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WPC doors for kitchens

Aerospace Kangda WPC door is made of nearly 20 materials mainly made of resin, which are melted at high temperature to open the polymer molecular chain, embedded in the wood fiber structure and wrapped, and finally formed through various physical and chemical reactions.
  • Description

WPC Door Introduction:

WPC doors are truly water resistant and formaldehyde free door products, with extremely low water absorption rates ranging from 0.2% to 0.4%, while wooden doors have water absorption rates exceeding 10%. This means that WPC doors are suitable for high temperature and humidity rooms, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, basements, garages, storage rooms, etc. As a key participant in the WPC industry, Kangda will continue to strive to promote WPC products and bring the highest quality products and services to the global market.



Characteristics of WPC Door:

High performance: waterproof and moisture-proof, washable; Anti corrosion, anti termite, anti mold, antibacterial, acid and alkali resistant.
True quality: The overall structure is not cracked, deformed, or warped.
Excellent craftsmanship: PVC coating or dust-free PU topcoat automatic spray painting, with a smooth and particle free surface.
Ultra safe: cold resistant, heat resistant, not prone to aging, with a flame retardant rating of B1.
Excellent quality: free from decorative pollution such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, etc.





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